Thursday, April 26, 2018

HOWTO : Install Parrot Security OS 3.11 32-bit

Since the 32-bit of Parrot Security OS 3.11 will crash in the middle of the installation even the hash checksum is same as the official, we can install "Home" version and then install the necessary tools by the following command.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install parrot-tools-full

That's all! See you.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Deepin Linux 15.5

中國武漢深度科技公司的深度作業系統 15.5 (Deepin Desktop) 是基建於 Debian Linux 的桌面系統。深度系統實現了 Linux 的高度客制化的技術,它媲美蘋果電腦 macOS 作業系統。

深度系統 15.5 安裝容易和直接,沒有太多的輸入和選項。當安裝在 Virtualbox 虚擬機器時,它會提供特效模式 (Effect mode) 或普通模式 (Common mode) 選擇。普通模式運作行得比較快,但沒有了特別效果。

在使用深度系統 15.5 時極有使用蘋果電腦 macOS 的感覺。使用介面非常直觀和華麗,你並不會迷失於大量的選項當中。

它的軟件庫 (Deepin Store) 收集了很多實用的軟件,並且安裝和移除都非常容易。它的軟件庫極有蘋果電腦 macOS 的 Apps Store 味道。可以看得出武漢深度科技公司曾經投入大量資源來開發這系統。

這個作業系統極之適合 Linux 初學者或一些要求簡潔和直接的用家。這也是 Ubuntu Linux 以外的另一個不錯的選擇。但是美中不足之處是它沒有全碟加密和密碼只接受最多十六位字元,而且有些軟件的版本比較老舊。

Wuhan Deepin Technology Co. Ltd. (China) develops a Debian based Linux system namely Deepin Desktop. The current version as at this writing is 15.5. The outlooks of Deepin is much like Apple macOS.

Installation of Deepin 15.5 is very easy and simple. A few information is required to fill in or select in the installation. When installed in Virtualbox, you have a chance to select "Effect mode" or "Common mode". Common mode is the fastest mode comparing with Effect mode. Deepin Desktop 15.5 is very easy to use. The design is very straight forward and simple. If you have experience in Apple macOS, you will feel that it is very similar.

There are some useful software in Deepin Store and it much like Apps Store in macOS. The installation and uninstallation of any software is very easy. It is believed that Wuhan Deepin Technology has invested a lot of resources of building this Linux distribution.

Deepin Desktop is suitable for newbies of Linux and someone who loves simple operation. If you do not like Ubuntu Linux, you may try Deepin Desktop instead. The only downsides of Deepin are no full disk encryption, the maximum length of user password limited to 16 characters and some software are a little bit out-dated.

That's all! See you.


Linux Deepin is NOT spyware

Full disk encryption on Deepin 15.5

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Linux 的我見

每一個人選擇使用 Linux 的原因和理由各有不同,但大部份人都是原先是使用視窗 (Windows) 的。他們大多都有一個共同點,就是經常抱怨找不到和視窗一樣的應用軟體的代替品。但這個問題鮮有在蘋果 (Apple macOS) 的使用者中發生。問題是出在那裡呢?

視窗、蘋果及 Linux 在基本上是不同的產品,它們都有着自己的特性。蘋果是源於 BSD 系統,它是 Unix 系統;Linux 是類 Unix 系統及自行開發;而視窗是一個自行開發的非 Unix 系統。它們都有着的不同發展方向,除了 Linux,視窗和蘋果都很早在桌面 (Desktop) 方面上應用。

視窗專門經營軟體業務,而蘋果則為主要經營硬件業務,而 Linux 基本上是非牟利的。

蘋果也沒有很多與其他商業化產品一樣的代替品,但蘋果用戶並沒有如其他的視窗使用者使用 Linux 時的要求和抱怨。我想是因為蘋果用戶是一個獨特的使用群組,他們沒有抱怨沒有相似的代替品,但他們接受使用與視窗用戶所使用的不一樣和與別不同的產品。

基於 Linux 是開源及基本上是免費的,大多數的開發人員都是利用自己的私人時間來開發軟體,所以其開發出來的軟體大多數沒有在商業化上作出考慮;多數的開發人員都是開發給自己或一小撮人使用。其後他們有的也開發了一些與其他商業化產品的類似物,但並非是其代替品,也有一些應用是其他商業化產品沒有的。Linux 的獨特性可見一班。

其實視窗的使用者在使用 Linux 時不應有與使用視窗的要求。應當接受各個不同類型的作業系統的不同特性和發展。視窗的使用者與蘋果的用戶在性格上和要求上大有不同,在此,我非常欣賞蘋果用戶的可塑性。所以視窗的使用者對 Linux 會不會過於「又要馬兒好,又要馬兒不吃草」呢?

開源的 Linux 造就各式各樣的版本,各個版本都有其獨特的性格。各個版本的基本操作指令和架構是大致相同,最大的分別在於軟件包管理指令和桌面系統 (Window Manager)。不同版本的 Linux 有不同版本的軟件包管理和桌面系統。

Linux 吸引之處在於可塑性非常高,客制性的能力可以出神入化。再加上所有編程語言和編譯器是完全開源和免費的。這做就了多樣化的工具軟件供給多樣化的應用。每個軟件工程師都可建做自己具有個人特色的 Linux 版本或應用系統。

至於為何沒有與其他作業系統的應用軟體一模一樣的產品,我想這與知識產權不無關係的,這就不能怪責 Linux 的不體貼了。俗語有話「若要人似我,除非兩個我」。

Friday, April 20, 2018

Wordpresscan - Wordpress Security Scanner

Wordpresscan is a Wordpress CMS security auditing tool which is rewritten WPScan in Python and implemented some idea of WPSeku by swissky. However, the original copy in Github is still in alpha version and dated Oct 15, 2017.

Wordpresscan is then forked by Samiux on Apr 19, 2018 and some improvements as well as bugs fix on it. The modified version is released in Open Source under GPLv3 by Samiux.

It is well tested on Parrot Security OS 3.11 and it can run right away on Parrot without installation.

You can visit the official site for details.

That's all! See you.

Monday, April 16, 2018

HOWTO : Update Parrot Security OS 3.11

Parrot Security OS 3.11 cannot be updated properly with the default updater after freshly installed. We can update it manually.

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y full-upgrade --allow-downgrades
sudo apt -y autoclean
sudo apt -y autoremove

When asking for update the configure files, select "Y" when necessary.

That's all! See you.

HOWTO : Fallback to OpenJDK 8 on Parrot Security OS 3.11

Since OpenJDK 9 is installed for the recent update on Parrot Security OS 3.11, some Java applications that are using OpenJDK 8 may not work properly. We can fallback to OpenJDK 8 easily.

sudo update-alternatives --config java

Then select OpenJDK 8 or OpenJRE 8 when necessary. You can change back to OpenJDK 9 at any time with the same command.

That's all! See you.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

HOWTO : Fix Vokoscreen 2.5.0 on Parrot Security OS 3.11

Vokoscreen 2.5.0 on Parrot Security OS 3.11 does not work properly as ffmpeg crashed. You can fix this problem by replacing the ffmpeg with Vokoscreen's copy.

tar -xvzf ffmpeg-64bit.tar.gz

sudo mv /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg-original
sudo cp ffmpeg /usr/local/bin/

That's all! See you.