Open Source is a great idea and it has changed the world!
Open Source forever ....
While you do not know attack, how can you know about defense? (未知攻,焉知防?)
Do BAD things .... for the RIGHT reasons -- OWASP ZAP
It is easier to port a shell than a shell script. -- Larry Wall
Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris. -- Larry Wall
为天地立心, 为生民立命, 为往圣继绝学, 为万世开太平。 -- 王炜
Sunday, July 29, 2012
The Corrs - What Can I Do
I haven't slept at all in days
It's been so long since we've talked
And I have been here many times
I just don't know what I'm doing wrong
What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there
There's only so much I can take
And I just got to let it go
And who knows I might feel better
If I don't try and I don't hope
What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there
No more waiting, no more aching
No more fighting, no more trying
Maybe there's nothing more to say
And in a funny way I'm calm
Because the power is not mine
I'm just gonna let it fly
What can I do to make you love me
What can I do to make you care
What can I say to make you feel this
What can I do to get you there
Love me
The Corrs