Saturday, July 30, 2011

HOWTO : Yet Another Update script for Back|Track 5

Maxfx at Back|Track Linux developed a script for updating the Back|Track 5 which is written in Python. You can update the Back|Track 5 and it's applications in one script.

The current version is 0.6 at the time of this writing.


tar -vxf bt5up.tar

Usage :


You can also move the execute file to /bin or /usr/bin. Once moved the file to /bin or /usr/bin, you can run the script as the following :

Source :

Yet Another Update script on Back|Track 5 forum

Remarks :

Another update script written in C

That's all! See you.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

HOWTO : Register to OSVDB and Nessus on Back|Track 5


Go to to register your account and you will receive an email to activate your account.

After the activation your account, you can login to OSVDB. Go to "Account" -- "API" to copy the API code.

Open a terminal, issue the following command :

nano /pentest/enumeration/web/cms-explorer/osvdb.key

Copy the API code onto the osvdb.key file.

PART II : Nessus

Go to and select "Using Nessus at Home?" to register.

You will receive an email. Follows the instruction on the email to open a terminal and issue the command :

/opt/nessus/bin/nessus-fetch --register XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX

To create a user :


** You can leave the rule field empty.

Start the Nessus from the menu of Back|Track 5, "BackTrack" -- "Vulnerability Assessment" -- "Vulnerability Scanners" -- "Nessus" -- "nessus start".

Or, just issue the following command :

/etc/init.d/nessusd start

After that, go to https://localhost:8834/

That's all! See you.

HOWTO : Solves the Wireshark not loading on Back|Track 5

Back|Track 5 comes with Wireshark 1.6.1 as at July 24, 2011 (GMT +8) However, it does not load properly due to missing a file namely "".

Therefore, we need to compile the latest SVN version of Wireshark from source. The current SVN version is 1.7.0-SVN-38173 at time of this writing.

Step 1 :

Go to get the latest version of the Wireshark. The latest version at the time of this writing is 1.7.0-SVN-38173.

*** Please note that the latest version as at July 25, 2011 is 1.7.0-SVN-38202.

apt-get update
apt-get install libtool flex libgtk2.0-dev lua50
apt-get install dpatch libc-ares-dev docbook-xsl libpcre3-dev libcap-dev libgnutls-dev libkrb5-dev liblua5.1-0-dev libsmi2-dev libgeoip-dev xsltproc automake1.9

Step 2 :

apt-get --purge remove wireshark

** Don't need to remove the previous wireshark. So that the menu entry can be reminded unchanged.

Step 3 :

tar -xvjf wireshark-1.7.0-SVN-<LATEST_VERSION>.tar.bz2

cd wireshark-1.7.0-SVN-<LATEST_VERSION>

Step 4 :

make debian-package

Step 5 :

cd ..

If you are installed 64-bit Back|Track 5 :

dpkg -i wireshark-common_1.7.0_amd64.deb wireshark_1.7.0_amd64.deb tshark_1.7.0_amd64.deb


If you are installed 32-bit Back|Track 5 :

dpkg -i wireshark-common_1.7.0_i386.deb wireshark_1.7.0_i386.deb tshark_1.7.0_i386.deb

Step 6 :


That's all! See you.

Friday, July 15, 2011

HOWTO : Back|Track 5 on Lenovo ThinkPad X100e

Lenovo ThinkPad X100e (Type 3508-65B) is equipped with AMD Athlon Neo MV-40 CPU and Radeon Display card. It does not work properly on Back|Track 5.

This tutorial is going to show you how to install Back|Track 5 on the captioned hardware.

Step 1 :

Boot up the Live CD or Live USB. Select the first item. Press "Tab" key to add the following line to the end of the line displayed on the screen.


Step 2 :

After the Live CD or Live USB is booting up, open terminal and then issue the following command.

nano /etc/default/grub

Locate :

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text splash nomodeset vga=791"

Make it read as :

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="text splash nomodeset vga=791 radeon.modset=0"

Save and exit.

Step 3 :


Step 4 :

Configure the wireless card.

HOWTO : RTL8191SE wireless card on Back|Track 4 R2

Step 5 :

Install of AMD Catalyst 11.6 Proprietary driver.

Go to AMD official site and download AMD Catalyst 11.6 Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver which is released on June 15, 2011.

chmod +x

** My Back|Track 5 is 64-bit so I download the 64-bit version of the driver.

Follow the instruction on the screen to install the driver. After the installation, you should reboot your system.

Before reboot your system, issue the following command :


Step 6 :

Install Pointing Device Settings for the TrackPoint system.

apt-get install gpointing-device-settings

Go to "System" -- "Preferences" -- "Pointing Devices".

Select "TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint". Choose "Use middle button emulation" and "Use wheel emulation". Select "2" for the button.

That's all! See you.

HOWTO : Adobe Flash 10.3 on Back|Track 5

Step 1 :

Go to Flash official site to download current version (tar.gz). It is at the time of this writing.

Step 2 :

Close all running Firefox.

Extract the file "install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz".

tar -xvzf install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz

Step 3 :

Move the "" to its locations.

chown root:root
chmod 0644
mv -f /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/

Step 4 :

Delete the extracted files and directories.

rm -R usr

Source :

Backtrack 5 - How to get flash player working on Gnome / KDE x64

That's all! See you.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

HOWTO : Update script for Back|Track 5

Sickness at Back|Track Linux developed a script for updating the Back|Track 5. You can update the Back|Track 5 and it's applications in one script.

The current version is 0.6 at the time of this writing.

gcc -o backtrack5_update backtrack5_update.c

Usage :


You can also move the execute file to /bin. Once moved the file to /bin, you can run the script as the following :


Source :

Update script on Back|Track 5 forum

Remarks :

Another update script written in Python

That's all! See you.

HOWTO : FeedingBottle 3.2 on Back|Track 5

FeedingBottle is a Graphic User Interface (GUI) for Aircrack-ng and it is a project of Beini. Beini is based on Tiny Core Linux which is a wireless network security testing system.

FeedingBottle can handle WEP, WPA, WPA2 as well as hidden SSID.

FeedingBottle 3.2 is working well on Back|Track 5. You can download it at here. Extact and install it by the following commands.

dpkg -i feedingbottle3.2-backtrack5-gnome.deb

After the installation, you can find it at "Applications" -- "BackTrack" -- "Exploitation Tools" -- "Wireless Exploitation Tools" -- "WLAN Exploition" -- "FeedingBottle3.2".

For the usage, please visit the official site at here.

There are simple and advanced modes for you to use.

That's all! See you.

Monday, July 11, 2011

HOWTO : The Onion Router (Tor) on Back|Track 5

PART I : Browser

Step 1 :

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Append the following line to the file.

deb lucid main

Step 2 :

gpg --keyserver --recv 886DDD89
gpg --export A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89 | sudo apt-key add -

apt-get update
apt-get install tor tor-geoipdb
apt-get install privoxy

Step 3 :

nano /etc/privoxy/config

Append the following line :

forward-socks4a / .

/etc/init.d/privoxy start
/etc/init.d/tor start

Step 3a (Optional) :

If you are behind firewall or NAT as well as router, you should append the following line at the configure file.

forward 192.168.*.*/ .

Step 4 :

Go to the Tor official site to download and install Tor button for Firefox.

Tor Button Plugin for Firefox

Step 5 :

Open Firefox. Go to "Tools" -- "Add-ons" -- "Extensions". Select "Torbutton's Preferences".

(a) At "Proxy Settings", unclick "Use Polipo".
(b) At "Security Settings", On browser startup, set Tor state to:" select "Tor".
(c) At "Display Settings", select "Icon".

** Now, your Firefox will enable Tor on every launch unless you disabled the "Tor Button" on the Firefox.

Step 6 (Optional) :

To check if it works or not. Go to the following sites to check your Ip address.



PART II : Console

Step a :

apt-get install proxychains elinks

Step b :

nano /etc/proxychains.conf

Append the following line :

socks4 9050

** It should be there.

Step c :

Usage :

proxychains nmap
proxychains elinks
proxychains elinks

To see your real IP address :


That's all! See you.

HOWTO : Lenovo Active Protection System (HDAPS) on Ubuntu 11.04

HDAPS can protect against your laptop (Lenovo ThinkPad) from damaging the hard drive when the laptop is moving around.

Step 1 :

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tp-smapi-dkms hdapsd

Step 2 :

echo 'tp_smapi' | sudo tee -a /etc/modules
echo 'hdapsd' | sudo tee -a /etc/modules

Step 3 :

sudo modprobe tp_smapi
sudo /etc/init.d/hdapsd restart

** You just do Step 1 to Step 3 for one time only

Step 4 :

To test if the hdapsd is working or not, you just issue one of the following commands :

sudo find /

Then, move your laptop and to see if it can halt or not.

sudo hdapsd

Then, move your laptop and to see if it display "parking" or not.

Step 5 (Optional) :

You can adjust the sensitivity of the sensor by editing the following :

sudo nano /etc/default/hdapsd

Locate "SENSITIVITY" and adjust the value.

That's all! See you.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

HOWTO : Yet Another Back|Track 5 on Dell Streak 5

I wrote a tutorial for Back|Track 5 on Dell Streak 5 with StreakDroid at here. Today, I would like to show you how to use SimpleStreak instead of StreakDroid.

Why use SimpleStreak? It is because SimpleStreak uses Official ROM with StreakDroid kernel. It is less bug comparing with StreakDroid. Furthermore, SimpleStreak is faster than StreakDroid.

The current version of SimpleStreak is 1.2 at the time of this writing. You can download it at here.


Step 1 :

First of all, you should make sure you have flashed StreakMod Recovery. You can download it (MultiRecovryFlasher.v0.7.rar at the time of this writing) at here.

Step 2 :

Download SimpleStreak 1.2 at here.

Rename it to and copy it to the root directory of the SD Card of your Streak.

Step 3 :

Switch off your Streak. Long press "Vol Up" + "Vol down" and then press "Power on". Long press those keys until you see the screen is boot up to recovery mode.

Select "2. Software upgrade via Update.pkg on SD Card" by pressing "Camera button". You will see a "Dell" logo and a "!" inside a triangle. Press "Power on" to the next menu.

Press "Vol up" or "Vol down" to move the cursor. Select "wipe the cache partition" and "wipe data/factory reset" by pressing "Camera button" one by one.

After that, press "Vol up" or "Vol down" to move the cursor. Select "" by pressing "Camera button". Then choose, "Install".

Upon seeing "Installation Completed", press "Exit" button on the Streak to return to the previous menu. Then select "reboot system now".

Wait for the Streak to reboot. The first reboot takes longer time. Please be patient.

Step 4 :

Install the following apps from the Market for the running of Back|Track 5.

(1) Android Terminal Emulator by Jack Palevich
(2) Mocha VNC Lite by MochaSoft

** Step 1 to 4, just do them ONCE.


Step 5 :

Download the official Back|Track 5 ARM from the official site. Extract it and copy "busybox" and "" to the root directory of the SD card.

Open the Android Terminal Emulator and then execute


** This step is just doing ONCE unless your ROM is reflashed or updated.

Step 6 :

Since the original ARM version of Back|Track 5 cannot be copied to the SD Card due to the size of the image larger than 4GB. You should download a resized version which is developed by anantshri.


558ecb1f0e5feb1da86526df8761e6cc bt.7z.001
247842fd0d3ebb39454f76f4704d1537 bt.7z.002
f74d2f744434a7182b13287d9f8165e7 bt.7z.003

Step 7 :

Double click on "bt.7z.001" to extract. You will then see the following after the extract.


You should create a directory of "bt" (or folder) on the SD Card's root directory.

Copy these files to "/sdcard/bt".

Step 8 :

Run the following commands on the Terminal Emulator on your Streak.

cd /sdcard/bt

** This step is just doing ONCE unless your ROM is reflashed or updated.

Step 9 :

Run the following commands on the Terminal Emulator on your Streak.

To start the Back|Track 5 :


Then, you will drop to the Back|Track shell

Step 10 :

Under the Back|Track shell, run the following :


** It will start the VNC server on your Streak.

Step 11 :

Press "Home" on your Streak and then run the apps "Mocha VNC Lite".

Name : BackTrack (or bt for short)
Address : localhost
Port : 5901
Password : 12345678

Then, press "Connect". You will see the Back|Track 5 launched.

** The setting of the Mocha VNC Lite will be remembered. That means you just type ONCE.

Press "Home" to go to the Streak screen. Back|Track 5 is still running.

Step 12 :

To stop the Back|Track 5, run the following command on the Back|Track shell :


** Stop the VNC server.

And then, run the following command :

Exit the Terminal Emulator and then restart it.


Now, the Back|Track 5 is stopped running.

Step 13 :

To launch the Back|Track next time, you should repeat the Step 9 to 11. And stop the Back|Track just repeat Step 12.

Source :

BACKTRACK 5 on Xperia X10 chroot

Streak - MultiRecoveryFlasher

The method of resize the Back|Track 5 image to 3.3GB

Remarks :

(1) Make sure you run "killui" and "stopbt" when BackTrack 5 is not required.

(2) The aircrack-ng cannot be ran properly as the interface is eth0 instead of wlan0. No monitor mode and no injection.

(3) Download MultiRecoveryFlasher at the Source above. Then, flash "StreakMod-Recovery" if you cannot flash the SimpleStreak. Under Ubuntu, you are not required to install any driver but you need to run the program in root. Go to root by the following command :

sudo -sH

That's all! See you.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Does Snort really protect your network?

Before watching the video below which is prepared by TOX1C, I always think that Snort is powerful and protective. Now, I know that Snort cannot protect your network from being hacked by skilled hackers.


Pissing on Snort with Metasploit from T0X1C on Vimeo.