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While you do not know attack, how can you know about defense? (未知攻,焉知防?)
Do BAD things .... for the RIGHT reasons -- OWASP ZAP
It is easier to port a shell than a shell script. -- Larry Wall
Most of you are familiar with the virtues of a programmer. There are three, of course: laziness, impatience, and hubris. -- Larry Wall
为天地立心, 为生民立命, 为往圣继绝学, 为万世开太平。 -- 王炜
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Sunday, September 09, 2018
Croissants - Intrusion Detection and Prevention System
牛角麵包 - 防禦入侵系統
牛角麵包 (Croissants) 是一項開源項目,但有一項同名的項目是商業版本的,開源版本的名字為牛角麵包 (社區版,Community Edition)。收費版本具有禦防網絡掃描器的偵測和推送更新的技術,其他的與開源版本大致是一樣的。
牛角麵包與統一威脅管理系統 (Unified Threat Management System, UTM) 和下世代防火牆 (Next Generation Firewall, NG Firewall) 有相當程度是相若的,不同的只是牛角麵包並沒有防火牆。
開源版的特性 :
她具有統一威脅管理系統和下世代防火牆的大部份特性,例如防禦漏洞利用、防止病毒攻擊、惡意網絡地址黑名單、防禦惡意軟件攻擊、惡意網頁攻擊過濾、防止洋蔥網絡 (Tor) 瀏覽、防止有敵意的網絡流量、偵測網絡掃描器掃描等。
至於效能方面,她有極低延遲性的特點,有效地提高網絡遊戲的可玩性,而且能夠有效地播放 4K 的多媒體,她更能夠處理大約 40GB 或以上的流量,當然這也與硬件的規格有相當大的關係。
至於配置方面,她幾乎可以配置在網絡中的任何位置,包括網外和網內。如果再配合奧德拉 (Audra) (偵測入侵系統),這樣每個網段都涵蓋得到。奧德拉也是基於牛角麵包 (社區版) 而設計的偵測入侵系統,其元件是完全一樣的。
收費版的特性 :
Croissants - Intrusion Detection and Prevention System
Croissants is an open source project and commercial project at the same time. Open source project is namely Croissants (Community Edition, CE) while commercial one is Croissants. Croissants and Croissants CE are almost the same. However, Croissants has some outstanding technique, such as push update and upgrade as well as blocking network scanning.
Croissants is very similar with Unified Threat Management System (UTM) and Next Generation Firewall (NG Firewall). However, Croissants does not have firewall anyway.
Croissants is designed by a hacker to defend against hackers. He knows what hackers are doing and thinking, regardless of whether they are ethical or malicious.
Croissants CE Features :
Croissants CE has similar features as UTM and NG Firewall, such as preventing vulnerabilities exploits, anti-virus, malicious IP address blacklisting, preventing malicious software, filtering web page attacks, preventing Tor network from being accessed, blocking malicious traffic, detecting network scanning, and etc.
It is an ultra-low latency system which is ideal for demanding online games and 4K video streaming. The maximum bandwidth of Croissants is over 40GB which is depending on the hardware configuration.
Croissants CE can be placed at any place in the network which is including outside and inside the network segments. When implemented with Audra (Intrusion Detection System), the traffic monitoring in the network can be covered completely. Meanwhile, Audra is designed based on Croissants CE.
Croissants Features :
Croissants has all the features as Croissants CE but it also has push update and upgrade features. It provides an emergency update or upgrade in order to provide a better protection to the network when needed.
In addition, it also can block network scanning. Once the scanning is blocked, hackers cannot obtain the information of the services and ports of the network/servers. They cannot launch any attack to the network blindly. You can be prevent from being attacked or delay of being attacked as a result. Croissants is ideal for network that providing connections to the public.
InfoSec Ninjas 资安忍者
牛角麵包 (Croissants) 是一項開源項目,但有一項同名的項目是商業版本的,開源版本的名字為牛角麵包 (社區版,Community Edition)。收費版本具有禦防網絡掃描器的偵測和推送更新的技術,其他的與開源版本大致是一樣的。
牛角麵包與統一威脅管理系統 (Unified Threat Management System, UTM) 和下世代防火牆 (Next Generation Firewall, NG Firewall) 有相當程度是相若的,不同的只是牛角麵包並沒有防火牆。
開源版的特性 :
她具有統一威脅管理系統和下世代防火牆的大部份特性,例如防禦漏洞利用、防止病毒攻擊、惡意網絡地址黑名單、防禦惡意軟件攻擊、惡意網頁攻擊過濾、防止洋蔥網絡 (Tor) 瀏覽、防止有敵意的網絡流量、偵測網絡掃描器掃描等。
至於效能方面,她有極低延遲性的特點,有效地提高網絡遊戲的可玩性,而且能夠有效地播放 4K 的多媒體,她更能夠處理大約 40GB 或以上的流量,當然這也與硬件的規格有相當大的關係。
至於配置方面,她幾乎可以配置在網絡中的任何位置,包括網外和網內。如果再配合奧德拉 (Audra) (偵測入侵系統),這樣每個網段都涵蓋得到。奧德拉也是基於牛角麵包 (社區版) 而設計的偵測入侵系統,其元件是完全一樣的。
收費版的特性 :
Croissants - Intrusion Detection and Prevention System
Croissants is an open source project and commercial project at the same time. Open source project is namely Croissants (Community Edition, CE) while commercial one is Croissants. Croissants and Croissants CE are almost the same. However, Croissants has some outstanding technique, such as push update and upgrade as well as blocking network scanning.
Croissants is very similar with Unified Threat Management System (UTM) and Next Generation Firewall (NG Firewall). However, Croissants does not have firewall anyway.
Croissants is designed by a hacker to defend against hackers. He knows what hackers are doing and thinking, regardless of whether they are ethical or malicious.
Croissants CE Features :
Croissants CE has similar features as UTM and NG Firewall, such as preventing vulnerabilities exploits, anti-virus, malicious IP address blacklisting, preventing malicious software, filtering web page attacks, preventing Tor network from being accessed, blocking malicious traffic, detecting network scanning, and etc.
It is an ultra-low latency system which is ideal for demanding online games and 4K video streaming. The maximum bandwidth of Croissants is over 40GB which is depending on the hardware configuration.
Croissants CE can be placed at any place in the network which is including outside and inside the network segments. When implemented with Audra (Intrusion Detection System), the traffic monitoring in the network can be covered completely. Meanwhile, Audra is designed based on Croissants CE.
Croissants Features :
Croissants has all the features as Croissants CE but it also has push update and upgrade features. It provides an emergency update or upgrade in order to provide a better protection to the network when needed.
In addition, it also can block network scanning. Once the scanning is blocked, hackers cannot obtain the information of the services and ports of the network/servers. They cannot launch any attack to the network blindly. You can be prevent from being attacked or delay of being attacked as a result. Croissants is ideal for network that providing connections to the public.
InfoSec Ninjas 资安忍者
Thursday, September 06, 2018
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