Sunday, August 26, 2018

HOWTO : Intel and nVidia GPUs on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS

The version of nVidia driver for Ubuntu 18.04.1 is 390 at the time of this writing. You have 3 methods to switch between Intel GPU and nVidia GPU. However, these require your box to reboot or relogin to make the change effect.

(A) nVidia Driver Install

sudo apt install bbswitch-dkms nvidia-dkms-390 nvidia-driver-390 nvidia-headless-390 nvidia-kernel-common-390 nvidia-prime nvidia-settings nvidia-utils-390 xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-390 nvidia-cuda-toolkit

Method 1 - Reboot is required

Select nVidia GPU or Intel GPU from "Prime" on the menu. After that, reboot your box.

This method is working only when nVidia driver is loaded. You need to reboot your box to make the change effect.

To confirm the change :

prime-select query

Method 2 - Reboot is required

To change to Intel GPU :

You need to reboot your box to make the change effect.

sudo prime-select intel

To change to nVidia GPU :

sudo prime-select nvidia

You need to reboot your box to make the change effect.

To check the settings :

prime-select query

Method 3 - Relogin is required

To install modified version of prime-select :

sudo apt install git rustc cargo lightdm
git clone

cd Prime-Ubuntu-18.04
cd prime_socket/src
sudo make install

The "prime-select" binary is located at /usr/local/bin.

Rename the original "prime-select" :

sudo mv /usr/bin/prime-select /usr/bin/prime-select-original

Change to lightdm :

sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3

Select lightdm and then reboot the box.

Prime sync for tear free laptop panel

sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/zz-nvidia-modeset.conf

Add the following lines :

# enable prime-sync
options nvidia-drm modeset=1

Then run the following command and then reboot your box :

sudo update-initramfs -u

To change to Intel GPU :

sudo prime-select intel

The box will force you to logout and awaiting for your re-login.

To change to nVidia GPU :

sudo prime-select nvidia

The box will force you to logout and awaiting for your re-login.

To check the settings :

prime-select query

(B) Optional

To check what nVidia driver version is installed :

ubuntu-drivers devices

To auto install the nVidia driver :

sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall

(C) Conclusion

To set to Intel GPU for power saving while nVidia GPU for performance. For Kali Linux or Parrot Security OS users, I recommended to use Method 2 after installed the nVidia driver. The package name of nVidia driver for Kali Linux and Parrot Security OS are different from Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS. When using Method 3, the Intel display card cannot be video properly. However,, Method 2 has no such problem.

That's all! See you.

Thursday, August 09, 2018


初次接觸奪旗賽 (Capture The Flag) 比賽項目,發覺其與真實的滲透測試 (Penetration Testing) 相差甚遠。以奪旗賽練習網站中的網頁 (Web) 題目為例,奪旗賽題目會提供提示以供下一關的鑰匙,或者以這個提示來完成這條題目。但現實環境的網站滲透測試是沒有提示的,滲透測試員是要用自己的方法去盡量搜集這個網站的資訊來作進一步行動。再者,奪旗賽的題目大多是脫離現實,而且十分狡猾 (tricky)。


至於奪旗賽中另一個比賽項目攻防戰,我仍未曾有機會接觸到,所以不會妄下判斷。因機緣巧合,最近在一個很爛的奪旗賽練習網站 ( 玩了一些我懂的題目,並且在一萬二千幾名玩家中排行第廿七 (二零一八年八月九日止)。在玩的過程中並未有學習到新鮮事物的感覺,非常可惜。

最後,我個人認為,如果要在滲透測試知識和技術上有實際的獲益,我想最有效的方法是參加懸賞計劃 (Bug Bounty) 了。如果可以發現漏洞並獲得獎金當然是一件樂事,但如果未能取得獎金都可以在一個合法的平台上練習,因為懸賞計劃中的項目全部都是真實的個案。


Wednesday, August 01, 2018


馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (一) 基本法出處

馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (二) 釋法篇之吳嘉玲案

馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (三) 釋法篇之剛果案

馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (四) 釋法篇之政改及特首任期

馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (五) 釋法篇之立法會宣誓案

馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (六) 釋法篇之《基本法》的解釋權及釋法好處

馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (七)主權與國家安全

馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (八) 高度自治與全面管治

馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (九) 五十年不變與一國兩制

馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (十) 中央與特區關係

馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (十一) 特區的立法權與緊急狀態下的安排

恩國解讀認識基本法 (十二) 港人參與國家事務的渠道

馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (十三) 香港人的權利

馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (十四) 行政會議、特首職能與解散立法會的權力

馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (十五) 行政機關

馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (十六) 立法會

馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (十七) 司法機關

馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (十八) 公務員待遇及宣誓

馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (十九) 對外事務

馬恩國解讀認識基本法 (二十) 基本法的修改權

If Loving You Is Wrong (I Don't Want To Be Right) - Barbara Mandrell


余非 — 處理嘍囉,及認知更根本的考慮──國家安全與《中國國家安全法》