Sunday, January 18, 2015

HOWTO : Kali Linux 1.0.9a on Optimus Laptop

The guide is updated on FEB 4, 2015 as Kali Linux 1.9.0a has included the nVidia driver 340.x and CUDA 5.5.x.

Step 1 :

echo "deb wheezy-backports main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

apt-get update

Step 2 :

apt-get install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r)
apt-get install -t wheezy-backports nvidia-kernel-dkms nvidia-cuda-toolkit nvidia-driver

Optionally, you can uninstall the backports linux kernel headers 3.16 (if any) as it comes with the backports nVidia drivers installation.

apt-get --purge remove linux-headers-3.16

Finally, reboot. Then, we need to install bumblebee.

Step 3 :

apt-get install -t wheezy-backports bumblebee-nvidia primus

If you need to support i386 architecture 3D software in 64-bit Kali, you may need to install the following :

dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
apt-get install -t wheezy-backports bumblebee-nvidia primus primus-libs:i386 primus-libs:ia32

Step 4 :

Now, you need to add you (e.g. root) to the bumblebee group.

adduser $USER bumblebee

Step 5 :

To run your application with the discrete nVidia card :

optirun iceweasel

If optirun displays the following error :

[ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU - error: Could not load GPU driver

You need to edit the following :

sed 's/KernelDriver=nvidia/KernelDriver=nvidia-current/g' -i /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf

If you want to run glxgears with the discrete nVidia card, you need to install VirtualGL

32-bit Kali Linux -
wget -O virtualgl_2.3.90_i386.deb

64-bit Kali Linux -
wget -O virtualgl_2.3.90_amd64.deb

dpkg -i virtualgl_2.3.90_i386.deb

dpkg -i virtualgl_2.3.90_amd64.deb

Then run :

optirun glxgears -info


optirun glxgears

The next steps are to install cudaHashcat, john, Cryptohaze and pyrit.

(1) cudaHashcat installation

Grab the source code and extract it. The current version is 1.31 at this writing.

wget wget
7za x cudahashcat-1.31.7z

(Please noted that the current version of cudaHashcat 1.32 does not compatible with nVidia 340.x driver).

Then run the sample scripts to test the cudahashcat by the following commands.

cd cudaHashcat-1.31
optirun ./
optirun ./
optirun ./

When it is your first time to run cudaHashcat, you will be prompted for the license and you just answer "YES" to continue.

(2) John the Ripper Installation

Install the required package before going further.

apt-get install libssl-dev

Grab the current version of john (the current version at this writing is 1.8.0-jumbo-1) and compile it.

tar -xvzf john-1.8.0-jumbo-1.tar.gz
cd john-1.8.0-jumbo-1/src
make clean

To run john, you can execute the following command.

cd ../run
optirun ./john --format=sha512crypt-cuda /etc/shadow

Please note that the captioned command will have friutless result when your password is longer than 8 characters which is the default for john. If requires, you can make some changes on "params.h". However, it is out of the scope of this guide.

(3) Cryptohaze Installation

Grab the current version of Cryptohaze (the current version is 1.3a at this writing).

wget -O Cryptohaze-Linux_x64_1_31a.tar.bz2
tar xjvf Cryptohaze-Linux_x64_1_31a.tar.bz2
cd Cryptohaze-Linux

To perform the sample run, you can execute the following command.

optirun ./Cryptohaze-Multiforcer -h NTLM -c charsets/charsetall -f test_hashes/Hashes-NTLM-Full.txt

(4) pyrit Installation

The first step is to install the required packages.

apt-get install libssl-dev libpcap0.8-dev python-dev

Grab the current version of pyrit. However, pyrit is not updated for a long time.

svn checkout pyrit

Compile it with the following commands.

cd pyrit/pyrit
python build
python install

cd ../cpyrit_cuda
python build
python install

To test it, you can execute the following commands.

optirun pyrit list_cores
optirun pyrit benchmark

That's all! See you.

Thursday, January 08, 2015

HOWTO : Kali Linux NetHunter on OnePlus One 64GB

The most simplest way to flash NetHunter is by using Windows application that provided by Offensive Security at here (the version at this writing is 1.1.6). You should follow the instructions on the screen to complete the task.

I select OnePlus One 64GB version as it comes with 3GB RAM and 64GB storage. It is running Cyanogen CM11 (version 4.4.4) ROM. It is very ideal for installing NetHunter in my own opinion. The current version of NetHunter does not support Android 5.0 and please do not try to flash onto it.

I am using MacBook Air with VMWare Fusion and Windows 8.1 guest to flash NetHunter. The Android USB driver provided by the captioned application cannot be installed automatically in my case. I need to install it manually via "Device Manager". Make sure two certifications (ADB and Fastboot) as well as the USB driver have been installed properly, the process will be very smooth.

If you do not have Windows machine or virtual machine available, you should follow the instructions mentioned in the official site. Make sure you root the device before doing so. This task will be very hard and more easy to run into mistakes. Make sure you have read the instructions on the official site completely and carefully before doing so. Therefore, I recommend not to use this method unless you need to.

After the NetHunter is flashed, you can optionally encrypt your OnePlus One. Before doing that, you should unmount the Kali by issue the following by using "Terminal Emulator" :

su -c killkali

Then reboot the OnePlus One. Once it is reboot, you can carrying out the phone encryption procedure.

After the encryption is completed, you need to re-mount the Kali by issue the following command :

su -c bootkali

That's all! See you.