sudo apt install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python3-dev
chmod +x
Install anaconda3 to /home/samiux/anaconda3 (current user, samiux) and then answer "yes" to allow change the .bashrc of samiux. (replace "samiux" with your username)
source /home/samiux/.bashrc
Update Anaconda3.
conda update --prefix /home/samiux/anaconda3 anaconda
conda update -n base conda
Since current Tensorflow 1.11.0 only supports Python 3.6 for Python 3.x, we need to install Python 3.6 at the virtual environment for Tensorflow.
conda create -n venv pip python=3.6
conda install tensorflow -n venv
To activate the virtual environment, that is Python 3.6.
conda activate venv
To deactivate it when not using Python 3.6 and Tensorflow.
conda deactivate
To test the Tensorflow installation.
(venv) samiux@ubuntu:~$ python -c "import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)"
It will display the current version of Tensorflow. The current version of Tensorflow as at this writing is 1.11.0.
That's all! See you.