I select OnePlus One 64GB version as it comes with 3GB RAM and 64GB storage. It is running Cyanogen CM11 (version 4.4.4) ROM. It is very ideal for installing NetHunter in my own opinion. The current version of NetHunter does not support Android 5.0 and please do not try to flash onto it.
I am using MacBook Air with VMWare Fusion and Windows 8.1 guest to flash NetHunter. The Android USB driver provided by the captioned application cannot be installed automatically in my case. I need to install it manually via "Device Manager". Make sure two certifications (ADB and Fastboot) as well as the USB driver have been installed properly, the process will be very smooth.
If you do not have Windows machine or virtual machine available, you should follow the instructions mentioned in the official site. Make sure you root the device before doing so. This task will be very hard and more easy to run into mistakes. Make sure you have read the instructions on the official site completely and carefully before doing so. Therefore, I recommend not to use this method unless you need to.
After the NetHunter is flashed, you can optionally encrypt your OnePlus One. Before doing that, you should unmount the Kali by issue the following by using "Terminal Emulator" :
su -c killkali
Then reboot the OnePlus One. Once it is reboot, you can carrying out the phone encryption procedure.
After the encryption is completed, you need to re-mount the Kali by issue the following command :
su -c bootkali
That's all! See you.